
Current Appointment

Core Lecturer
Computational Social Science
University of Amsterdam

Curriculum Vitae

Past Appointments

Marie Curie Fellow
Maastricht University
Care and Public Health Research Institute
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Assistant Professor

Semmelweis University

Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine

Visiting Lecturer

Eötvös Loránd University

Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology

Module Leader

Milestone Institute

Introduction to social anthropology, medical anthropology, culture theory, academic writing

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (2021.08 - 2024.08)

Maastricht University and University of Wisconsin-Madison
Supervisor: Prof. Rik Crutzen

Fulbright scholarship recipient (2017.09 – 2018.07)

Department of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego
Sponsor: Prof. Thomas Csordas 

Manuscripts in Print


2024 Crutzen R, Peters GJ, Perski O, Zörgő S, De Paepe A. Transforming paradigms: problematic practices and innovative approaches. The European Health Psychologist, 23:1.

2023 Árva D, Jeney A, Dunai D, Major D, Cseh A, Zörgő S. Approaches to Code Selection for Epistemic Networks. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1895. Eds. Arastoopour Irgens G and Knight S. pp 409-425. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

2023 Kovács SD, Mulholland K, Condon L, Koncz Z, Zörgő S. Interaction of Diagnostic Criteria in the Narratives of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1895. Eds. Arastoopour Irgens G and Knight S. pp 316-329. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

2023 Zörgő S, Peters GJ, Jeney A, Ruis AR, Shaffer DW, Crutzen Rik. A feasibility study for a unified, multimodal analysis of online information foraging in health-related topics. Open Research Europe, 3:98

2023 Zörgő S. Segmentation and Code Co-occurrence Accumulation: Operationalizing Relational Context with Stanza Windows. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1785. Eds. Damsa C. and Barany A., pp 146-162. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

2023 Zörgő S, Bohinsky J. Parsing the Continuum: Manual Segmentation of Monologic Data. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1785. Eds. Damsa C. and Barany A., pp 163-181. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

2023 Peters GJY, Zörgő S, van der Maas HLJ. The Qualitative Network Approach (QNA). In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1785 supplement. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

2022 Zörgő, S., Peters, GJY. Using the Reproducible Open Coding Kit & Epistemic Network Analysis to Model Qualitative Data. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 

2022 Zörgő S., Peters GJY., Csajbók-Veres K., Geröly A., Jeney A., Ruis AR. An Epistemic Network Analysis of Patient Decision-Making Regarding Choice of Therapy. Quality and Quantity – International Journal of Methodology. (Aug. 25, 2022)

2022 Földesi, E.; Zörgő, S.; Nyirő, J.; Péter, G.; Ottóffy, G.; Hauser, P.; Hegedűs, K. Medical Communication during the Transition to Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology in Hungary—The Parents’ Perspective. Children, 9, 651.
2022 Wasson, B., Zörgő, S. Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1522. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
2022 Zörgő, S., Peters, GJY., Porter, C., Moraes, M., Donegan, S., Eagan, B. Methodology in the Mirror: a Living, Systematic Review of Works in Quantitative Ethnography. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1522. Eds. Wasson B and Zörgő S., pp 144-159. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

2022 Zörgő, S., Jeney, A., Csajbók-Veres, K., Mkhitaryan, S., Susánszky, A. Mapping the Content Structure of Online Diabetes Support Group Activity on Facebook. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1522. Eds. Wasson B and Zörgő S., pp 221–236. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

2022 Scianna, J., Kaliisa, R., Boisvenue, J., Zörgő, S. Approaching Structured Debate with Quantitative Ethnography in Mind. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1522. Eds. Wasson B and Zörgő S., pp 33–48. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. 

2022 Nyirő, J., Földesi, E., Hauser, P., Hegedűs, K., Zörgő, S. Comparing Parent and Physician Perspectives on the Transition to Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1522. Eds. Wasson B and Zörgő S., pp 284–297. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

2021 Zörgő S. Replika. Embodiment – The visceral black box of the mind [TestAgy. Embodiment - Az elme zsigeri feketedoboza]. Issue: 121–122: 5-146.

2021 Zörgő, S. Szelf és kultúra mint a test kiterjesztése. [Self and Culture as an Extension of the Body.] Replika 121–122: 7–20.

2021 Zörgő, S., Swiecki, Z., Ruis, AR. Exploring Effects of Various Forms of Segmentation on Semi-Structured Interview Data with Epistemic Network Analysis. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science Series. Vol. 1312. Eds. Ruis AR and Lee, SB., pp 78-90. Switzerland: Springer Nature. 

2020 Zörgő, S., Peters, GY, Mkhitaryan, S. Attitudes underlying reliance on complementary and alternative medicine. Integrative Cancer Therapies 19: 1–14
2019 Zörgő, S. and Peters, GY Epistemic Network Analysis for Semi-Structured Interviews and Other Continuous Narratives: Challenges and Insights. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science Series. Vol. 1112. Eds. Eagan B., Misfeldt M., Siebert-Evenstone A., pp 267-277. Switzerland: Springer Nature.
2019 Zörgő, S. A Komplementer és Alternatív Medicina szociokulturális kontextusa. [The sociocultural context of Complementary and Alternative Medicine]. In: Orvosi Szociológia [Medical Sociology]. Eds. Z. Győrffy, Z. Szántó, pp 113-128. Budapest: Semmelweis Kiadó.
2018 Zörgő, S. Vélemények az alternatív medicináról – Reflexiók egy kutatás eredményeire. [Opinions concerning alternative medicine – Reflections on a study]. Mindennapi pszichológia XI.(5):63-67.
2018 Zörgő, S., Olivas Hernández, O. Patient Journeys of Nonintegration in Hungary: A Qualitative Study of Possible Reasons for Considering Medical Modalities as Mutually Exclusive. Integrative Cancer Therapies 17(4):1270–1284.
2018 Nyírő, J; Zörgő, S; Földesi, E; Hegedűs, K; Hauser, P. The Timing and Circumstances of the Implementation of Pediatric Palliative Care in Hungarian Pediatric Oncology. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2018; 177 (7).
2018 Zörgő, S. Pszichiátria vagy Alternatíva? A komplementer és alternatív medicina vonzereje. [Psychiatry or an Alternative? The pull of Complementary and Alternative Medicine]. Lege Artis Medicinæ 2018;28(1–2):61–66.
2018 Zörgő, S., Purebl, G., Zana, Á. A Qualitative Study of Culturally Embedded Factors in Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Jan. 22, 2018) 18:25.
2017 Zörgő, S. Szempontok a kvalitatív kutatás tervezéséhez és értékeléséhez. [Considerations for the design and evaluation of qualitative research]. Lege Artis Medicinæ, 27(10–12):418–426.
2017 Zörgő, S. Pszichoszociális etiológia a hagyományos kínai orvoslást alkalmazók körében – A „lelki eredetű” testi betegség laikus oki teóriái. [Psychosocial etiology among users of Traditional Chinese Medicine – Lay theories of illness causation]. Kultúra és közösség 8(4):107-119.
2017 Zörgő, S. Valóban tudni akarom? Test-bizonytalanság-érzet. [Do I really want to know? The feeling of uncertainty in matters of healthcare]. Mindennapi pszichológia X.(5):19-22.
2017 Nyírő J, Hauser P, Zörgő S, Hegedűs K. A kommunikáció nehézségei daganatos gyermekek szüleivel a palliatív ellátásra történő áttérés során. [Difficulties in communication with parents of pediatric cancer patients during the transition to palliative care]. Orvosi Hetilap, 158(30):1174–1180.
2016 Zörgő, S., Győrffy Z. Gyógyítók a komplementer és alternatív medicináról – kvalitatív elemzés eredményei alapján. [Physician attitudes concerning complementary and alternative medicine]. Lege Artis Medicinæ, 26(9–10):421–428.
2016 Zörgő, S. Ép testben ép lélek”? Vagy fordítva? [„A sound mind in a sound body?” Or the other way around?] Mindennapi pszichológia, VIII.(6):47-50.
2016 Zörgő, S., Purebl, G., Zana, Á. A komplementer és alternatív medicina felé orientálódó terápiaválasztást meghatározó tényezők [Factors determining selection of treatment options oriented towards complementary and alternative medicine]. Orvosi Hetilap, 157(15), 584–592.
2014 Zörgő, S. Organic and Kinesthetic ESL Pedagogy: A Description of the Hybrid Method and its Application, Kultúra és közösség 5(3):133-148.
2013 Zörgő, S. Betegségkép és szakrális gyógyítás a Hit Gyülekezetében [Concepts of Illness and Sacral Healing in the Faith Church]. Antroport webpage, available:
2007 Zörgő, S. Szakrális múlt és deszakralizált tradíció a Hit Gyülekezetében [Sacred Past and Desacralized Tradition in the Faith Church] In: A Szakralitás Arcai. András A. Gergely and Richárd Papp, eds. Pp. 429-449. Budapest: Nyitott Könyv.
2006 Zörgő, S. Tér és idő a Hit Gyülekezetében [Space and Time in the Faith Church] In: Kultúrák Között, Hommage á Boglár Lajos.  András A. Gergely, Richárd Papp and Csaba Prónai, eds. Pp. 302-323. Budapest: Nyitott Könyv.

Featured Talks

Media Appearances (Hungarian)

Oct. 23, 2023: "Csak ha érdekel" Podcast: Patient decision-making and information consumption
Mar. 31, 2021: Klubrádió (“Galaxis kalauz” program) Anthropological fieldwork and rites of initiation

Sep. 09, 2020: Klubrádió (“Galaxis kalauz” program) The function of rituals and their cross-cultural journey

Feb. 09, 2019: Duna Televízió (national television channel; Magyar Krónika program) Birth (19/6.)

Sep. 23, 2018: Klubrádió (“Galaxis kalauz” program) Rituals connected to seasons / Interaction of culture and environment

Sep. 11, 2017: Klubrádió (“Ötös” program) Vocabulary of the Innuits

Jul. 04, 2017: Klubrádió (“Ötös” program) Native Americans and gender

Dec. 14, 2016: Klubrádió (“Megbeszéljük!” program) PhD research and results of representative survey (CAM)

Aug. 26, 2015: Nők Lapja (magazine) Interview on the anthropology of tattoos

Mar. 03, 2009: 9S Television Channel of Ferencváros “Világok Arcai” Cultural Anthropological Program

Sep. 24, 2006: Tilos Radio (“Terepjáró” program) Interview: Fieldwork at the Faith Church

Jan. 30, 2005: Tilos Radio (“Terepjáró” program) Interview: Fieldwork at the Faith Church